The Idaho Cagers Basketball Club originally founded in 2022, is a Grassroots, nonprofit basketball program dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of the game.
Our success is not defined by the outcome of a game, but rather the process of how we prepare to be able to perform. We utilize practices and games as training tools for our players to find success and be able to grow with confidence.
We encourage our players to participate in other activites outside of basketball and be multi-sport athletes. We value diversity in thought and understand there is more to learn when hearing others' perspectives.
Our name 'Cagers' pays homage to the days of growing up on the blacktop and the joy that our athletes find in the Game.
The Idaho Cagers Basketball Club is a nonporift, Grassroots basketball program designed to promote and elevate the game of basketball in and around the Treasure Valley. The Cagers are committed to educate, coach, support and inspire all of our players to perform at the highest academic and athletic standards while demanding good sportsmanship on and off the court, community service and personal development.
Create and sustain a Basketball organization that fosters an environment of integrity and success encompassing our players, families and communities.
In the late 1800’s through the mid 1920’s Basketball players were referred to as 'Cagers'. When James Naismith invented the game there were no out of bounds. If the ball went out of bounds into the stands the rules stated that the first player who got the ball would have possession and could throw it back in. This would often lead to skirmishes between players and also fans. So, a ‘cage’ was installed around the court as a safety measure for both the players and the fans during those early days of the game. As a result, Basketball games were called Cage Games and the players were known as Cagers. The cages were mostly phased out in the 1930s.
The term Cagers was reinvigorated in the 1970’s with the popularity of the game being played in the parks. In crowded cities like New York, they’d put up chain link fences around the courts, primarily to keep the balls from rolling out in the streets. The toughness of the players and the style of play on the playgrounds would remind people of the olden days and what it meant to be a Cager.
A Cager is a basketball player…

A basketball cage circa 1910